Middle School Program

Process Oriented Education System

We follow a curriculum which embraces learning as integrated to the process not just the result owing to our experienced staff in all fields. Among testing methods aiming to determine achievements of the students, care is given not just to test knowledge but also to comprehension, successful self-expression, interpretation, practice, analyze-synthesize and evaluation. Our contemporary testing and evaluation system helps us understand not how much the students learn but what they learn and not or if they cannot learn why they do not learn. Thus we are able to plan a recovery program to fill the gap. We believe that the best way to effective learning is possible with understanding by design (UbD).

With a constructivist perspective, we provide an education environment where students are willing, thinking, knowing scientific study skills and linking the knowledge and the skills to daily life.

Values Education

As a part of the community they live in, we want our students to have human and social values such as love, respect, responsibility, tolerance, justice, peace, determination and internalize them as behavioural habits. This is an integral part of our education principle.

We plan to transform values and skills into behavior with the help of age-appropriate activities, seminars and individual/group works in every level of the education.

Positive Discipline Concept

We care that our students have the ability to act responsible. “I” language we use in school, encouraging instead of praise and body language establish the base of our discipline method. We support the development of self-monitoring in our students without being dependent on prize and punishment. For us, effective discipline is to behave well and internalizing good behavior without having the control from outside. Throughout their middle school years, our students seize every moment or incident to turn them into opportunities. We aim to provide opportunity education through conversation and activities.

Communicating with School Administration

Our school attaches great importance to communication with our parents. School staff and administrators aim to be open to parents’ questions, problems and suggestions. An idea or suggestion put forward by our parents is handled with the attention and with the guidance of corporate principles, and feedback is given to our parents. The teachers are primarily responsible for issues related to the education of our students. The first meeting should be done with our teachers by making an appointment. And if necessary, the relevant Deputy Principal and/or School Principal should be consulted.

Thoughts and suggestions about the general services of the school (service, food, etc.) are not expected to be made through the student. It is important that this communication must be notified in a written document to the relevant Vice Principal.