Innovative Clubs

With our clubs that make a difference at many different levels from Preschool to High School, our students enable our students to gain acquisitions that are among the most basic skills of the 21st century such as multi-directional thinking, problem analysis, developing creative solutions and being entrepreneurs, at the same time, such as coding, robotics and 3D design. we also allow them to experience technology applications. While our students get to know the stages of thinking, imagining and producing through clubs, they also have the chance to take part in many national and international conferences, competitions and seminars with the projects and products they create.

Below you can find our clubs working in the fields of innovation and technology according to our school levels.

Programming Club For Kids
Preschool & Primary School

With this club, while our students’ directional language, sequencing, command creation, drawing and counting skills improve; In primary school, it is aimed for them to acquire algorithmic thinking, establishing relationships between situations, creative thinking and problem solving skills. In primary school, our students also design and develop their own animations and game ideas with the block-based programming tool Scratch.

Coding with Lego
Primary School

With this club, block-based coding studies are carried out and our students are aimed to gain algorithmic thinking and the ability to find solutions to problems. During the club activities, our students both design a robot and create the codes necessary for this robot to perform certain tasks. Lego We Do Education sets are used in our club activities.

Hisar STEM: Science Sparks Club
Middle School

Based on the interests of our students, this club is divided into various fields of study including astronomy, engineering and design projects, First Lego League (FLL), Eco-School, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and Global Science Leaders (GSL). Students work together with their mentor teachers, both in separate groups and in groups that share with each other.

Technovation Challenge Club
Middle School

With this club, our students are aimed to solve problems by developing mobile applications, while studies such as sketch usage, data analysis, prototyping, API use, brand and business model development are also carried out. The club activities, which serve as a preparation for the internationally organized “Technovation Challenge” competition, have been pioneering in international environments with the work our students have done in our country since 2013.

Hisar Maker Club
Middle & High School

With this club, our students are aimed to prototype innovative products by experiencing the imagination and design stages. While the development of algorithmic thinking, problem solving, 3D design and programming skills is ensured, students in high school plan a new project and create a rapid prototype with electronic, programming and 3D ecosystem according to “digital fabrication” standards.

Programming and Robotics Club
Middle & High School

With this club, our students are supported to develop their algorithmic thinking, problem solving, design and engineering, and programming skills, and produce production and design-oriented projects. While representing our school and our country by participating in various national and international events and competitions such as FRC, FTC, WRO, and Robot Challenge, our students also gain very important experience.

Entrepreneurship Club
High School

Through this club, various workshops and workshops on creating and analyzing business ideas, preparing prototypes and presenting them are organized in order to prepare our students for their future business life, develop their problem solving skills with an entrepreneurial and creative thinking structure; National and international competitions, events and conferences related to the subject are followed.