Information Strategies Center

Hisar School Information Strategies Center conducts its activities with the aim of structuring a sustainable, manageable, and dynamic digital infrastructure and ecosystem with the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions and needs within the integrity of K12, fostering a digital culture and achieving the digital transformation.

The circumstances we are facing require education to be planned and carried out in a multi-channel approach. In compliance with the mission and principles of the school, Hisar Schools prioritize approaches that are adaptable to any change and challenging conditions, allowing a flexible and communicative structure, without compromising scientific approaches. These priorities rely on planning and using face-to-face, online, synchronous, and asynchronous learning tools, and strategies holistically in order to deliver superior learning experiences across all academic processes.

To achieve its goals, the Information Strategies Center carries out its activities in compliance with the international standards based on viable deployment, continuity, and sustainability strategies. The roles of students and teachers have been identified and learning environments have been structured pursuant to the educational technologies standards of the ISTE International Society for Technology in Education, the most reputable organization in the field.

You can reach the “Support” website of the Information Strategies Center via the link below.

Our Team
Information Strategies Center Members
Dilara Vardar Coordinator
Onur Akbudak Member
Başak Başman Member
Gökçe B. Yılmaz Aslan Member
Jose Luis Perez Cabello Member
Mustafa Bozkurt Member
Sedat Yalçın Member
Tuğçe Özer Member
Banu Aldemir Member
Merve Vural Member
Sezin Fins Member
Information Strategies Policy

The Hisar School Information Strategies Policy is a document that reflects our perspective on the implementation of education through a multi-channel approach and the integration of technology into educational environments. It outlines the relevant processes and defines the roles and responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents. This document is regularly developed and updated as a reference point to ensure that the digital transformation process is trackable, manageable, and sustainable.

Information Strategies Policy

The Hisar School Information Strategies Policy includes the following subheadings:

  • Sustainability and Standards
  • Digital Citizenship, Ethics, and Awareness
  • 1:1 iPad & BYOD Programs
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • HyFlex Course Design Strategies
  • Information Infrastructure
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Technology Roadmap
  • Digital Competencies
  • Open Source Approach
  • Technical Support
Sustainability and Standards

BSM operates with an approach that takes into account international educational technology policies and standards, in line with the standards set by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

ISTE Standards for Educators ISTE Standards for Students
Learner Empowered Learner
Leader Digital Citizen
Digital Citizen Knowledge Constructor
Collaborator Innovative Designer
Designer Computational Thinker
Facilitator Creative Communicator
Analyst Global Collaborator



Strong Professional


Educators use technology to facilitate student learning and continuously develop themselves in this regard.

Educators explore and utilize leadership opportunities to ensure students’ active and successful participation, and to improve teaching and learning.

Digital Citizen

Educators encourage students to contribute positively to the digital world and promote digital ethics and responsibility.

Learning Catalyst Collaborative

Educators work collaboratively with both their colleagues and students to explore, share resources and ideas, and develop solutions to problems together.

Educators design learning activities and environments that are original, flexible, and learner-centered, taking into account students’ differences.


Educators support learning environments with technology to help students achieve the student standards set by the ISTE standards.


Educators consider, understand, and use data from students to ensure they achieve their learning goals.

* ISTE Standards for Educators | ISTE.” Accessed 16 Jun. 2020.
** Standards for Educators | ISTE.” Accessed 16 Jun. 2021.


Information Technology Infrastructure

Our school’s IT infrastructure is designed to support both in-school and extracurricular learning activities, ensuring quick access to the right tools and resources, and enabling learning to continue independently of time and location.

Hisar School provides a 1 GB symmetric internet connection, 2 backup symmetric lines of 300 MB each, and a Cisco network infrastructure, allowing users to utilize learning and content management tools such as Google Workspace, MS Teams, Cisco WebEx, and accessible cloud and video conferencing systems, all powered by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Cisco products. Digital tools and platforms that support both in-person and online/synchronous and asynchronous activities, tailored to the needs of grade levels and subjects, are integrated into our technical infrastructure and educational system.

Technical Infrastructure

 Technical Infrastructure: 2023 – 2024
Accessible Cloud Systems Google Workspace services are used for students’ and teachers’ file and email access. Each student and teacher has unlimited email and storage space. Students and teachers use the Google Workspace platform to easily communicate, access resources, and submit assignments and projects.
Learning Management System Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide teachers with an online platform to create content, deliver it to students, track student engagement, and assess student performance. Hisar Schools uses Google Workspace: Google Classroom as the content management system for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school levels, ensuring that lesson materials and content are regularly shared with students.
MacBook Computers At Hisar School, all teachers use MacBook computers, which are replaced every 5 years with new ones.
Video Conferencing Methods The video conferencing method is a powerful and effective tool for staying connected with students and continuing the academic process in any situation. Hisar School uses Google Workspace: Google Meet for online classes during the remote learning process at the K12 level.
Smart Board Systems All classrooms are equipped with Promethean Titanium ActiveBoard 75″ or 86″ Interactive Whiteboard systems and camera + audio systems that allow broadcasting from the classrooms.

Communication Channels

Our digital communication channels are shared in the table below.

Channels Targets Definitions



Academic Staff



It is used as the primary communication tool, and the school email account should be checked regularly.
Google Workspace 

Academic Staff


GMail, Google Classroom, Google Calendar, Google Meet, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, and Jamboard applications are frequently used by teachers and students.
Content Management System (CMS)

Academic Staff


Course materials and content are regularly shared through Google Classroom.
Video Conferencing System

Academic Staff


Online classes, meetings, and conferences are conducted through Google Meet.
HisarNet Teacher Portal Academic Staff Hisar School Teacher Information System
HisarNet Student Portal Student Hisar School Student Information System
HisarNet Parents Portal Parents Hisar School Parent Information System
Support Web Site General Access Up-to-date information, educational videos, and documents are shared regarding the integration of technology into educational environments.
Hisar School Web-site General Access

Software Policy

Ensuring the effective execution of academic processes requires a reliable and sustainable digital ecosystem aligned with international standards. In this context, it is essential that the software to be integrated into the technical infrastructure meets the following criteria:

  • Compliance with ISTE / Common Sense Standards
  • Compliance with KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law) processes
  • Compatibility with the school’s technical infrastructure and systems
  • Digital Sustainability
  • Determination of the software’s usage objectives
  • Licensing policies applied by the software for educational institutions
  • Ensuring the continuity of the software at the K12 level
  • Collaboration of software serving similar purposes

At the end of each academic year, BSM conducts a Technology Roadmap study for the following academic year, taking into account the criteria mentioned above and supporting HyFlex Course Design Strategies. Applications published by international organizations such as ISTE and Common Sense are prioritized for evaluation, and distribution is made according to the following categories:

  • Operational
  • Instructional
  • Content
  • Productivity
  • Assessment
1:1 iPad & BYOD

Since 2011 in middle and high school, and since 2021 in elementary school, the 1:1 iPad & BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs have directly supported the educational process. Our goal is to ensure the effective implementation of our academic program across all platforms by using the right technologies.

When planning our school’s information technology strategies, we consider the readiness levels of our students and feedback from parents. Based on this, the devices recommended for student use are MacBook / iPad.

Since the 2011 – 2012 academic year:

  • In middle school, students bring their own iPads to school and use them in educational settings.
  • In high school, the BYOD Program allows each student to bring their own computer to school and use it in educational environments.

Starting from the 2021 – 2022 academic year, in addition to the 1:1 iPad and BYOD Programs conducted in middle and high school:

  • Preschool students use the iPads available in their classrooms during educational activities.
  • In grades 1, 2, and 3 of elementary school, students use the school’s mobile iPad lab in educational environments.
  • In grade 4 of elementary school, students bring their own iPads to school and use them in educational settings.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) typically consist of pre-recorded video lectures, readings, assessments, and discussion forums. Most MOOCs are created by universities. Some MOOC content producers include Stanford, MIT, and Harvard. Some MOOC platforms include:

These courses are:

  • Massive – Enrollment is unlimited and can reach large audiences.
  • Open – Anyone can enroll, and there is no admission process.
  • Online – Delivered via the internet.
  • Courses – Comprising content with defined learning outcomes, duration, and objectives.

At Hisar School, online learning models are utilized as part of the academic process to encourage flexible and extended learning opportunities where learners take responsibility for their own learning. MOOC platforms are used to achieve the following goals for the school community:

  • Develop lifelong learning skills in learners
  • Encourage learners to take responsibility for their own learning
  • Provide flexible learning opportunities independent of time and place
  • Offer alternative learning opportunities
  • Adapt to the digitizing world
  • Foster cultural, international, and interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Prepare our students for university and future life
  • Contribute to the professional development of our teachers and staff

To integrate MOOCs into academic processes and achieve the mentioned goals, the following process is carried out:

  1. Technical Integration
  • Structuring the system in a secure and easily accessible environment
  • Providing necessary guidance and information about platform use
  1. Academic Integration
  • Managing the technical process for course selection and assignment
  • Reviewing and approving the suitability of the provided content
  1. Monitoring and Guidance
  • Receiving user reports from the MOOC system
  • Providing necessary guidance and information about the process
  • Recording certificates of course completion on student transcripts

Since 2022, Hisar School has been collaborating with Coursera in line with the specified process. General information on this topic is outlined in the Hisar High School & Coursera presentation, which we recommend reviewing.


HyFlex Course Design Strategies

HyFlex Course Design Strategies

HyFlex, which allows adaptation to changing conditions and provides a flexible structure, refers to a dynamic process capable of transitioning between models and scenarios (in-person, remote, hybrid). The term is derived from the combination of Hybrid and Flexible.

The Information Strategies Center has conducted a HyFlex Course Design Strategies initiative to make learning strategies naturally embedded in academic processes more visible and to provide the appropriate technical infrastructure, tools, and resources for these strategies. Course designs prepared by our teachers across different levels and subjects have been shared with the school community. The strategies outlined for integrating technology into the curriculum are taken into account, and planning is carried out accordingly.

Understanding by Design (UbD)

At all levels and in all courses at our school, learning design is carried out in accordance with the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework. This process consists of three stages:

  1. Desired Results
  2. Assessment Evidence
  3. Learning Plan

Building Blocks of Learning

The WHERETO framework, used for planning learning experiences and activities during the third stage (learning plan) of the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach, directly aligns with the strategies and approaches referred to as the building blocks of learning.


Building Blocks of Learning

Instruction and Modeling

Explain the key concepts related to your lesson content, provide foundational knowledge, and give clear instructions.

Communication, Discussion, and Speaking

Create opportunities for students to discuss, reflect on, and express their opinions about texts, videos, current events, and topics specific to your lesson.

Research and Exploration

Create environments that encourage students to research, deeply explore a topic or issue, learn from each other, and share the information they find.

Collaboration and Group Tasks

Group students either online/offline or synchronously/asynchronously, and create opportunities that encourage collaboration and creativity by having them work on shared tasks.

Practice and Review

Provide students with the opportunity to apply, reflect on, and review their knowledge and skills. Engage them in practice and review activities to reinforce their understanding of concepts and help them develop their skills.


Evaluate students’ learning through both process- and outcome-focused methods.

Reflection and Metacognitive Skill Development

Encourage students to reflect on their learning. What did they learn? How did they learn? What questions do they have?

*The Building Blocks of an Online Lesson, 17 july 2021,

Digital Competencies

As part of the Technology Roadmap, the school community is expected to take responsibility for their own learning and utilize the provided platforms, resources, and applications according to their needs.

Internal School Resources

  • Policies, reports, and roadmaps
  • Educational documents and training videos
  • Support Teacher Portal
  • Newsletters prepared and published monthly as part of the digital transformationBSM Newsletter
  • “Stronger Together” Shares
  • Stronger Together: Lesson Plans
  • Stronger Together: Teacher Presentations
  • BSM Training Request Form
  • Asynchronous TrainingTraining Document
  • Asynchronous TrainingTraining Video
  • Synchronous TrainingOnline or In-person Training
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Technical support via

External Resources

To address various needs regarding the integration of technology into educational environments, the platforms TeacherX and Coursera have been made available for the school community. The goal is to create an educational technology content pool accessible to all teachers and to meet different needs related to educational technologies.

  • TeacherX Training Content List
  • Certificates
    • Teachers are supported by BSM in obtaining Google Educator Level 1 and Level 2 certifications and completing the Apple Teacher Foundational Skills program.

Fundamentals Training

  • NEW – What to Expect + Sample Test Questions
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Registering for Level 1 / 2 Exams
  • Google Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2 Exam FAQs
  • Fundamentals and Advanced Course Outlines
  • Google Workspace Skills Checklist
  • Google Educator Level 1 Basic Tasks
  • Google Educator Level 2 Basic Tasks


“Open Source” Approach

With the establishment of the Information Strategies Center at Hisar School, all digital transformation efforts within the institution are conducted in an integrated structure aligned with international standards. Reports, documents, policies, and roadmaps resulting from these efforts are published openly, making them accessible to all educational institutions, teachers, students, and parents.

To manage the uncertainties of our time and carry out the digital transformation process, you can access the published resources through the links below.

Open Source ApproachClick for useful links.


BSM Newsletters

BSM Newsletters are published monthly to support one another during the digital transformation process and to ensure communication and collaboration within the school community. Addressing a wide range of topics related to digital transformation, the newsletters feature diverse perspectives and suggestions, drawing from national and international reports and research. In addition to contributions from our teachers and staff, the newsletters include experiences of educators from other schools and insights from leading academics in their fields.

Our newsletters are initially shared with our entire academic staff, parents, alumni, board of directors, and board of trustees. Subsequently, they are made available to all educators through an open-source approach, published on and the school’s website.

Hybrid & Distance Education

Affecting all aspects of life, the Covid-19 outbreak has also started a major transformation in schools, mobilizing educational institutions from almost all corners of the world towards a new education design in line with the 21st-century paradigms. Read more…

Educational Technologies

At Hisar School, technology is an integral part of the education process. Necessary transformations and updates are annually implemented on the curriculum as well as the physical structure in line with the advancing technology.
Read more…

Digital Citizenship, Ethics, and Awareness

At Hisar School, our efforts in the field of digital citizenship have been regularly accredited by Common Sense Education, the leading organization in this area globally, since 2016. Read more…

Artificial Intelligence and Education

As educators, by placing ethical principles at the core of studies on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, we can pave the way for developing effective solutions and recommendations within the context of AI in education. Read more…