Online parent sharing groups organized by our High School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department continue. The study will focus on “Mental Injury: Secondary Trauma”, and be held on Thursday, March 23. We are waiting for all our High School parents to the meetings, the details of which you can see below.

Seminar:Psychological Injury: Secondary Trauma
Highlights:What is secondary trauma?What happens to us when we go through difficult emotions?What can we do for ourselves and our loved ones?What are some of the practical applications that regulate/stabilize our emotions?
Date:March 23rd 2023 / Wednesday
Time:Prep Class: 10:00-10:45
9th Grades: 10:00-10:45
10th Grades: 10:00-10:45
11th Grades: 10:00-10:45
12th Grades: 11:00-11:45
Location:Google Meet