Events and Projects

Entrepreneurship and innovation in school curricula becomes more and more important each passing day. At Hisar School, our priority is to prepare students for their future business lives and to develop their creative and inspiring thinking and problem solving skills. We aim to help our students graduate as individuals who adopt an innovative, entrepreneurial mindset and address problems from a solution-oriented perspective.

The rapid growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem around the world paves the way for the equally rapid growth in the number of incubation hubs that support entrepreneurs, provide mentoring, and bring together investors and entrepreneurs. Incubation centers play a critical role in protecting the rights of entrepreneurs, filing their patent applications, providing financial support and consultancy, and, undoubtedly, gathering right entrepreneurs with right investors.

It is therefore essential to raise awareness on all these processes; to explain to students, and help them experience, the phases they will need to go through until they realize an idea; since this is what will enable us to bring up students who can adapt themselves to the changing conditions of the world. For this purpose, we create and support those environments where our students can communicate with the business world, universities and incubation centers, develop projects and realize their ideas.

Flexible learning environments provide our students a suitable platform in which they can realize and prototype their project, as well as experience the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The projects realized in this area have been accepted by many important local and international conferences, and our students have the chance to present their projects to universities, investors and prominent representatives of the education and business worlds. While establishing collaborations for innovation, we partner with universities and the business world to help realize these projects and to help our students get patents for these projects to be implemented as startups.


The goal here is to partner with universities, private sector, business world, and the public sector; to conduct field visits and case studies; to develop an Innovation Internship Network with non-governmental organizations as well as with domestic and foreign institutions; and to establish an Innovation Mentors’ Network in collaboration with Hisar alumni. To this end, Hisar Technology and Innovation Advisory Board was established with the participation of experts leading their respective fields.

The following subjects are covered by our curriculum on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Design Thinking, which we support with many projects and content as part of entrepreneurial strategies and innovation processes through computer science courses provided at different levels:

  • Innovation Cycle
  • Creative Confidence and Inspiring Others
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Entrepreneur’s Vision, Mission and Strategy

Attended Events

Our students receive invitations for or get admission from nationwide or international tournaments and conferences throughout the year.
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Hosted Events

Various nationwide and international events are organized by our students at Hisar School.
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Our students return with achievements from the competitions and events they participate in, locally and internationally, representing our School and country successfully.
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