Hybrid and Flexible Education

In line with the statements and guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of National Education, 2021-2022 Academic Year started with face-to-face education at all levels on Monday, September 6, 2021. As Hisar School, we care about sharing all of our knowledge and experience on education models that have changed, evolved and developed with the pandemic, both with the Hisar Community and the entire education community.

You can access our current reports for the 2021-2022 Academic Year, which we have prepared with a transparent and sharing policy within the scope of our Open Source approach, via the links below.

HyFlex Course Design Strategies

HyFlex, a dynamic instructional approach that adapts to changing conditions, enables seamless transitions between face-to-face, online, and hybrid learning models. The term is derived from the combination of Hybrid and Flexible, emphasizing its adaptable structure.

The Information Strategies Center (BSM) has conducted a study on HyFlex Course Design Strategies to make learning strategies within academic processes more visible and to provide the technical infrastructure, tools, and resources necessary to support them. As part of this initiative, course designs developed by teachers across different levels and disciplines have been shared with the school community. These strategies play a crucial role in guiding the integration of technology into the curriculum, ensuring that instructional planning aligns with HyFlex principles.

Understanding by Design (UbD)

At Hisar School, instructional design is implemented across all grade levels and subjects based on the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework. This process consists of three key stages:

  1. Desired Results
  2. Assessment Evidence
  3. Learning Plan

Building Blocks of Learning

In the third stage of the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework, known as the Learning Plan, the WHERETO model is utilized for planning learning experiences and activities. This model aligns directly with key instructional strategies and approaches that serve as the building blocks of effective learning.

Hisar School Roadmap 2021-2022

Within the framework of our mission and principles, we give priority to approaches that allow a flexible and communication-based structure that can be adapted to all kinds of changes and challenging conditions without compromising scientific approaches in education. These priorities include a high level of implementation of health safety measures for our students and staff, necessary arrangements to standardize our daily practices to ensure physical distance, academic processes, face-to-face, online, synchronous and asynchronous learning tools and strategies in order to realize high-level learning experiences.

Please click for Hisar Schools 2021-2022 Roadmap.

Hyflex: Hybrid & Flexible Education Policy 2021-2022

Flexible, personalized and communicative learning is essential to prepare our students for a world that is constantly and unpredictably changing. HyFlex, which adapts to changing conditions and allows a flexible structure, expresses a dynamic process where transitions can be experienced between models and scenarios (face-to-face, remote, hybrid) and consists of a combination of the words hybrid (Hybrid) and flexible (Flexible).

The Hyflex Education Policy is a document that defines the roles and responsibilities of our teachers, students and parents, reflecting our perspective and approaches on the delivery of education with a multi-channel approach and the integration of technology into educational environments.

Please click to access the Hisar School 2021-2022 Hyflex: Hybrid & Flexible Education Policy.

Information Strategies Center 2nd Term Report

Hisar School Information Strategies Center ensures that information and communication technologies take place as a natural part of the education process, while aiming to structure educational environments within a sustainable, manageable and dynamic ecosystem that can quickly adapt to changing conditions and needs.

Please click to access the 2nd term report of our Information Strategies Center, which consists of the 1st and 2nd quarter evaluation documents.

Hyflex: Hybrid & Flexible Course Design Strategies 2021-2022

Hisar School transparently shares the course designs prepared by our teachers in different levels and branches in order to make our strong academic program sustainable in all circumstances and to ensure that the academic process is accessible and trackable by all our stakeholders.

Please click to access our 2021-2022 Hyflex: Hybrid and Flexible Course Design Strategies report.

Technology Roadmap for Teachers 2021-2022

Technology Roadmap for Teachers covers the devices and applications to be used in order to ensure the effective execution of academic processes within the scope of 2021-2022 new academic year planning.

Please click to access our 2021-2022 Technology Roadmap for Teachers report.

Hisar School Health and Safety Guide 2021-2022

As Hisar School, all the measures taken and the administrative and academic practices followed within the scope of the pandemic have been brought together in the Hisar School Health and Safety Guide. This guide is regularly updated through the guidelines of the Ministries of Health and National Education.

Please click to access the Hisar School COVID-19 Health and Safety Guide, which has been updated with new developments and practices as of September 2021.

2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Academic Years

As the Covid-19 pandemic impacted all aspects of our lives, it also led to a big transformation in schools, prompting educational institutions around the world to adopt a new educational design that is in line with the paradigms of the 21st century.  The current situation requires education to be planned and implemented with a multi-channel approach. Hence, in the framework of its mission and principles, Hisar Schools have prioritized models that allow for a flexible and communication-based structure that can be adjusted to all kinds of changes and challenging conditions without any compromise to the scientific approaches. In accordance with these priorities, we stated in our strategic plan that all academic processes are to be planned and implemented in line with the blended learning approach that can be defined as combining face-to-face and online learning tools and strategies to improve learning.

In 2019-2020 academic year, we maintained the distance learning model until the end of the academic year, switching to the emergency distance learning period on March 23, 2020 due to the pandemic. After the schools were closed on March 13, 2020, at Hisar Schools, we made a quick and efficient transition to the distance learning procedures on March 23, 2020 thanks to the digital systems and the enhanced technical infrastructure we had already been using as a natural part of our academic processes. Within the scope of this transition, we managed to migrate the entire educational ecosystem to digital environment, along with analysis, planning, and design steps, all of which we had been handling with the utmost care, and successfully carried out the implementation process. At Hisar Schools, we are proud to have maintained 120 school days with face-to-face learning, and 65 school days and 26,328 hours with distance learning. Thanks to our students’ wide participation, we completed all the subjects and obtained each acquisition in our curriculum. Please click for detailed information about the distance education program implemented in our school between 23 March-26 June 2020.

In 2020-2021 Academic Year, alongside ensuring a flexible system that allows for a quick adjustment in the curriculum and practice processes, new practices are also implemented in various matters including the enhancement of measures and checking of health safety and new hygiene habits, redesigning the ceremonies and gathering events where students come together, and providing support in case of absenteeism. As part of the measures taken against the pandemic, our Back to School plans concerning how the education will be implemented in the 2020-2021 Academic Year are summarized in three different scenarios: Schools Are Open – “New Normal”, Hybrid Learning Model, Distance Learning Model.

At Hisar School, we have laid the groundwork for all these scenarios and we have also taken measures on the highest level that would ensure the health and safety of our students and employees on campus. For detailed information about the hybrid and distance learning models implemented at our School during the 2020-2021 academic year, please click here.