Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center

Hisar Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center is designed to produce studies and projects with the aim of creating an interdisciplinary holistic understanding in the fields of social sciences, literature and visual arts. 

A single disciplinary approach dominates both the social perception and studies performed because a holistic interdisciplinary approach has not been present, from past to present, in the Turkish education system across humanities and social sciences areas such as History, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Art History, Turkish Language and Literature, Social Studies, Turkish and Visual Arts. In this context, the aim of the Center is to expand and extend the works across Turkey, first starting with the school community that includes teachers, students, and parents.

Please click to view the guideline of Hisar School Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center.

Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center Members

Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center Members

  • Mehmet Şirin – Coordinator
  • Sezin Fins – Member
  • Neslihan Yapıcı – Member
  • Kaan Özyer – Member
  • Sevil Kuvan – Member
  • Gökçen Dürüst – Member

As the Hisar School Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center, we conducted a study with our 4th-grade students in collaboration with the BİLGİ Children’s Studies Unit (BİLGİ ÇOÇA) to mark the 76th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The study, involving 100 students, was carried out as part of a 3-week program aimed at raising awareness about children’s rights. The evaluation of the responses revealed that students are sensitive to issues of rights and rights violations. In their answers, students shared their thoughts on topics such as child labor, early marriage, and the violation of girls’ right to education. During the study, the children were also introduced to ways to seek justice in cases of rights violations, further enhancing their awareness of the subject.

Following classroom activities centered on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, students engaged in discussions on how to develop peaceful methods for advocating their rights. As part of the study, students were encouraged to propose methods for seeking justice and offered creative and peaceful solutions, such as “building a robot to protect children’s rights” or “using a global camera system to detect and report rights violations to the authorities.” The children participating in the study also emphasized that defending children’s rights means protecting their freedoms and making their lives easier.

We believe that raising awareness among children about their rights is our greatest assurance for a more just and peaceful world.

You can read the research report here.

As an HSSRC work, we started a study in cooperation with the Accessible Everything Association to make our entire school accessible for the first time in Turkey as an educational institution, and as a result of the research carried out in our school, we obtained a recommendation report. Now we aim to be the first accessible school in our country by proceeding step by step and eliminating our deficiencies.

The presentation of the research “Youth and Social Values on the Threshold of the Second Century”, which was carried out by our Humanities and Social Research Center (ITAM) in cooperation with Konda Research Company, and the talk with the participation of our esteemed guests, researcher and writer Bekir Ağırdır, Konda General Manager Aydın Erdem, researcher Baran Alp Uncu and academician Prof. Dr. Demet Lüküslü was held on 17 May 2024. We hope that the research will help us understand our Republic, which we have left behind its 100th anniversary, and its values, and that the results will contribute to the academic life of our country.

Click here for the research report. 
Click here for the presentation of the research. 
Click here for the broadcast recording of the interview.

The findings of the “Aggressive Humor” research, conducted with our high school students in collaboration between Hisar School’s Center for Human and Social Studies (İTAM) and MEF University Faculty of Education, were presented to students by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Toplu, Head of the Educational Sciences Department at MEF University, and graduate student & Hisar School guidance intern Sude Çelikkol.

The research was based on the “Aggressive Humor Scale” developed by Batuhan Saç and aimed to raise awareness of aggressive humor behaviors. We believe that this study and presentation have introduced new modules to students’ knowledge of nonviolent communication, equipping them with valuable skills for interpersonal interactions.

You can access the full research findings here.

Hisar Talks

Human Rights as Ethical Principles

We were delighted to host internationally renowned philosopher Prof. Dr. İoanna Kuçuradi at the latest conference of Hisar Talks, organized under the auspices of our Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center (İTAM). The conference, titled “Human Rights as Ethical Principles,” addressed concepts of ethical values, fundamental rights, and the understanding of freedom. In addition to our high school students, parents also attended the event as spectators.

The Presentation of The Research "Youth and Social Values"

The presentation of the research “Youth and Social Values on the Threshold of the Second Century”, which was carried out by our Humanities and Social Research Center (ITAM) in cooperation with Konda Research Company, and the talk with the participation of our esteemed guests, researcher and writer Bekir Ağırdır, Konda General Manager Aydın Erdem, researcher Baran Alp Uncu and academician Prof. Dr. Demet Lüküslü was held on 17 May 2024. We hope that the research will help us understand our Republic, which we have left behind its 100th anniversary, and its values, and that the results will contribute to the academic life of our country.

Click here for the research report.
Click here for the presentation of the research.
Click here  for the broadcast recording of the interview.

The Role of Social Enterprise in Building Values

In the second Hisar Talks conference series of this year, which took place on Thursday, 25 April 2024 with the titled “The Role of Social Enterprise in Building Values”, we hosted Ezgi Özkök Sefer, Director of Ashoka Türkiye, and Serra Titiz, founder of Mikado Consultancy. Our students and parents attended the conference moderated by Çağla Funda, our Social Responsibility Projects Coordinator, and Melis A., our 12th grade student.

Youth, Values and Future on the Threshold of the Second Century

We hosted the academic, journalist and writer Tayfun Atay in the first of the Hisar Talks conference series organised by our Humanities and Social Studies Centre (ITAM) this academic year under the title “Youth, Values and Future on the Threshold of the Second Century” in honour of the 100th anniversary of our Republic. The event was moderated by Mehmet Şirin, coordinator of ITAM, and our high school students Beyhan Deniz Erelçin and Salim Deniz Vural participated in the speech with their questions.