Hisar Mechatronics Racing Team

Hisar Mechatronics Racing Club was founded by students eager to conduct research and development on electric propulsion motors and explore the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical-electronics engineering, and software engineering.

In their learning process, the team has adopted the Shell Eco-Marathon competition and its regulations as a benchmark while also preparing for the Teknofest Electric Vehicle Competition.

The Shell Eco-Marathon is a vehicle energy efficiency competition held with the participation of the world’s leading universities. Our team successfully completed its first electric car in 2023 within the competition framework and is actively working on preparations for the upcoming race season.

This global academic program brings together students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to encourage them to design and develop the most efficient vehicles possible. Students’ innovative ideas contribute to shaping a low-carbon future.

Hisar Mechatronics Racing Club is one of the rare high school teams competing in a university-level competition. The primary reason Shell Eco-Marathon targets university teams is the high academic standards required. As we worked towards designing and manufacturing a full-scale vehicle, one of our biggest challenges was developing ourselves academically. However, through collaboration with professional R&D firms and universities, we gained first-hand experience in engineering principles and industry applications. We highly value and continue to promote our university-high school collaboration model for future generations.

As part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 and Shell Eco-Marathon, an energy-efficient electric car is being designed. One of the most important objectives of this project is to ensure that our vehicle aligns as closely as possible with the “Sustainable Development Goals” set by the UN. Our main goal is to develop a vehicle that can cover the longest distance using the least amount of energy, leveraging alternative energy sources.