Today √
Hisar School is a prestigious PreK-12 school located in İstanbul, Turkey with current enrollment of over 1,500 students offering quality education of the highest academic standard. Hisar’s mission is to facilitate its students to discover and develop their true potential while providing an exclusive educational experience of the highest international standards, under the tutelage of the country’s leading academics.
Committed to a continuous improvement in learning, Hisar believes in the skills, resources, qualifications and the potential that exist in its students, teachers, parents and our community. Hisar’s duty is to provide enhanced learning opportunities for students by supporting the best environment to realize their full potential.
Furthermore, Hisar School aims to transform their potential into reality and to help individuals acquire the skills, knowledge and responsibility to use their full potential at all times. Hisar embraces diversity and gives importance to create an environment in which differences are recognized, appreciated and encouraged. According to Hisar’s education philosophy, each student has the right to reach and further improve his/her true potential through the opportunities provided for him/her. In line with this philosophy, Hisar School focuses on creating a learning environment and structure in which students are supported to attain and fulfill their true potential.

Academic Centers
AP Program
International Accreditations
Member of UN Global Schools Program
Flexible Learning Environments
Successful Graduates Around the World
Proficiency in Arts and Sports
Student / Teacher Ratio: 6,3
The use of technology in Hisar is taken as a structure that is constantly developed to ensure the continuance of learning and the enrichment of learning environments within the integrity of the curriculum. Necessary steps are taken to ensure that technology is available as a natural part of the education process and to structure a sustainable, manageable and dynamic ecosystem that could quickly adapt to changing conditions and needs of K12. To prepare our students for an unpredictable and changing world, the learning process has to be structured in a flexible, personalized, and communicative way. Work is carried out through an adaptive perspective of the conditions and allows a flexible and innovative structure.
Apple technologies are included in the courses’ designs in accordance with the developmental characteristics of the age group and the expected academic outcomes and are used as learning tools. Preschool, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Students use 2 iPad stations (22 devices at each station) that are situated in our school. Our 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade students bring their own iPads to the class as a learning tool. Our High School students bring their own MacBooks to the class as a learning tool. All our teachers use MacBooks and benefit from the Apple technologies for course content planning, course development, and evaluation processes. By using Apple technologies, all students can continue their education together with their classmates and teachers without any interruption, in every education model (face-to-face, online, or hybrid). Students create ideas, projects, and products with which they can make real-life connections through the use of technology and share these with their friends or teachers. Teachers and students use innovative educational approaches (Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, HyFlex Model) throughout their academic processes. Therefore, Teaching and Modeling, Research and Discovery, Communication, Discussion and Speech, Practice and Reflection, and Assessment and Evaluation activities are continued in a time-independent and non-spatial way. Technology plays an important role in a dynamic, flexible, and innovative learning environment in which the teacher and student are in constant communication and an effective feedback process is available for the learning journey of each student.
Work that is carried out to receive feedback on academic processes in our school is: receiving feedback from students, teachers, and parents, making course observations, tracking course attendance rates (online & face-to-face), the realization of assessment evaluation analyses, and comparisons. The views on the use of technology are included as a natural part of the processes. Analysis and monitoring are realized every trimester/at the end of term/the end of the year. These reports are shared during the general meetings. Some parts of the reports are published on the school website. To monitor course success, analysis reports are prepared across levels and grades, and decision-making processes are followed based on the data. The effect of the technology used in our school is measured quantitatively and qualitatively based on the data
What’s Next
In a “digital change and transformation” process, we sustain our efforts to internalize our new experiences and skills and to create a flexible, differentiated learning environment that enables curiosity and offers inspiration. We aim to enable our students to reach high-level learning skills through the realization of the necessary digital transformation work by supporting our experience, knowledge, and skills with the technical infrastructure that we have available. We will continue to benefit from face-to-face, online, offline, synchronous, and asynchronous learning strategies and approaches in varying ratios depending on the readiness levels, needs of our students at different grades, and also the structure of the course. In this context, the Flipped Classroom approach is one of the educational approaches we use for the 2021-2022 academic year. Our students, as a part of the learning environment and the true owners of their learning journey within the school ecosystem, the change and transformation of the curriculum, methods, and learning environments is one of the most significant development areas where we continue to work.
- Information Strategies Center : https://bit.ly/3xm4WVO
- Hybrid and Distance Education: https://bit.ly/3OdP7aa
- Learning Analytics Report: https://bit.ly/3byfnyi


2019 Mezunumuz Lara Yüzatlı’nın Yeni Single Çalışması Dijital Müzik Platformlarında Yerini Aldı
2019 mezunumuz Lara Yüzatlı’nın sözü ve bestesi kendisine ait olan 2. single çalışması “Hold On” müzik platformlarında yerini aldı.
Columbia University Barnard College’ta müzik ve çift ana dal psikoloji okuyan Lara, “Introduction to Digital Music” dersinin projesi olarak başladığı çalışmada pek çok farklı melodiyi bir araya getirerek dinleyiciye yeni ve deneysel bir müzik bir türü sunuyor.
Kariyerine müzik alanında devam etmek isteyen mezunumuzun 2019 yılında çıkardığı ilk single çalışması “Close Your Eyes” müzik platformlarında 1 milyon kez dinlenmişti.
Mezunumuzu kutluyor, müzik yolculuğunu heyecan ve ilgiyle takip ediyoruz.

2011 Mezunumuz Siber Güvenlik Seminerinde Öğrencilerimizle Buluştu
“Siber Güvenlik Farkındalık Ayı” kapsamında 8. Sınıf öğrencilerimize yönelik düzenlenen seminerde konuğumuz 2011 mezunumuz Eren Buyru oldu. Özel bir firmada “Siber Güvenlik Uzmanı” olarak çalışan Eren, dijital ortamda güvenli kalmanın yolları ve bilişim suçları ile ilgili değerli paylaşımlarda bulundu ve öğrencilerimizin sorularını yanıtladı.
Sevgili mezunumuza katılımı için çok teşekkür ediyoruz.

Mezunumuz Ahmet Cem Karadeniz Columbia Mühendislik Okulunu 1.lik Derecesi ile Bitiren ilk Türk Öğrenci Oldu
2018 yılında Hisar Lisesinden üçüncülük derecesi ile mezun olan Ahmet Cem Karadeniz üniversite eğitimine devam ettiği Columbia Üniversitesi Mühendislik Okulunu birincilikle bitiren ilk Türk öğrenci oldu.
Atatürk ve Hisar Okulları rozeti ile Columbia Üniversitesi mezuniyet töreninde konuşma yapan; birincilik derecesi yanı sıra Mühendislik Okulu’nun en yüksek onuru olan ve okul birincisine takdim edilen Illig madalyasını, etik, ahlaki ve eşitlikçi girişimlerde bulunan öğrencilere verilen Principled Action King’s Crown Leadership Excellence ödülünü ve Makine mühendisliği departmanının en prestijli iki ödülünden biri olan William A. Hadley ödülünü alan Ahmet Cem’in ismi departmanın duvarına asıldı.
New York’ta “BofA Securities”te çalışmaya başlayan mezunumuzun ilham verici akademi ve kariyer yolculuğu Hürriyet Gazetesi’nde Nuran Çakmakçı’nın köşesinde de yer buldu.
Sevgili mezunumuz Ahmet Cem Karadeniz ile gurur duyuyor, yürekten kutluyoruz.

2022 Sınıfımızı Görkemli Bir Mezuniyet Töreni İle Yeni Hayatlarına Uğurladık
2022 Sınıfı öğrencilerimiz için düzenlediğimiz mezuniyet törenimiz 21 Haziran 2022 Salı günü Kültür Merkezi Atatürk Salonunda gerçekleşti. Okul yöneticilerimiz, Hisar Eğitim Vakfı Yönetim Kurulu ve Mütevelli Heyeti üyelerimiz, öğrencilerimiz, öğretmenlerimiz ve tüm velilerimizle bir arada olmanın heyecanını yaşadığımız görkemli törende 2022 Sınıfı öğrencilerimizi gururla yeni Üniversite hayatlarına uğurladık.
Eş zamanlı olarak Okulumuzun YouTube kanalından canlı olarak yayınlanan Lise 12. Sınıflar Mezuniyet Törenimizi aşağıdaki link üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz. 2022 mezunlarımıza çıktıkları bu yepyeni ve heyecanlı yolda başarılar diliyoruz!

2022 Sınıfımız Yurtdışı Kabul Sonuçları ile Gururlandırdı
Öğrencilerimizin dünyanın önde gelen yurtdışı üniversitelerinden aldığı kabullerle gurur duyduk! Stanford, Northwestern, Columbia, Exeter, Bocconi, NYU, University of Michigan ve Carnegie Mellon gibi prestijli üniversitelerden kabul alarak büyük başarı gösteren 2022 Sınıfımızı kutluyoruz!
Tüm listeyi görüntülemek için lütfen tıklayın.

2022 Sınıfımızın Yurtdışı Üniversite Kabulleri Belli Oldu
Öğrencilerimizin dünyanın önde gelen yurtdışı üniversitelerinden aldığı kabullerle gurur duyduk! Stanford, Northwestern, Columbia, Exeter, Bocconi, NYU, University of Michigan ve Carnegie Mellon gibi prestijli üniversitelerden kabul alarak büyük başarı gösteren 2022 Sınıfımızı kutluyoruz!
*Bu liste öğrencilerimizin kabul aldığı Üniversite listesinin yalnızca bir bölümünü göstermektedir.