University Counseling and Career Center
In our Career Center, our primary goal is to guide and support our students in course selection, career orientation, university preparation-application and selection processes, in accordance with the mission and vision definition of Hisar School, together with the academic staff and administration.
Our office is committed to educating, counseling, and advocating for students through the career guidance, course selection, and university application and selection process. We provide an environment where students are encouraged to set realistic and attainable university admissions goals for themselves while supporting each student’s talents and character. Our goal is to inspire students to transform their potential into reality.
We recognize each student as a unique individual, living in a highly competitive academic and social environment. We support Hisar students as they identify their personal attributes and align these qualities with their university options by helping them find an appropriate fit. We assist students with research tools, problem-solving, writing, critical thinking and evaluation.

Turkish Universities
Starting from grade 9, College Counseling Office informs students and parents about the process of entrance in Turkish Universities. As Career Center we provide students in 10th grade with certain assessments to determine their interests and skills to help them… Read more...

International Universities Counseling
Our office is committed to educating, counseling, and advocating for students through the career guidance, course selection, and university application and selection process. We provide an environment where students are encouraged to set realistic and attainable university admissions goals for… Read more…