Our Primary School English Drama Club students staged the “Peter Pan” theater play they prepared with a wonderful performance on Tuesday, March 28 at our Culture Center Atatürk Hall. We congratulate our students for this enjoyable play.
Hisar School Choir, consisting of our 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, participated in the 9th Rome Music Festival held in Italy on March 9-11. Our students performed with 6 songs at the festival, where choirs from various countries such as the United Kingdom,...
Our robotics team, NoktaParantez, which won the “World Impact” award, the most prestigious award of the Istanbul FRC Regional Tournament, was awarded the “Judges Award”, given to the team that best reflects the team’s efforts, performance...
Comic book researcher and instructor Ümit Kireççi shared valuable information about what comics are, its history and creation processes at the “Comic Books Workshop” held with the participation of our 6th grade students on Monday, March 27. Organized in...
Our Primary School students prepared little surprises for the “Book Sharing Campaign” that we are carrying out in our school. Students designed and placed postcards and bookmarks, and wrote little notes to describe the meaning of the books for them. These...
Online parents sharing meetings organized by Middle School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department continue to be held. The study titled “From Problem to Solution: A Constructive Approach to Challenges” will be held on April 6, between...