Our Physical Education and Sports Department teachers successfully completed the 225-hour professional development program given by Hacettepe University and received their certificates from our Founder’s Representative and General Manager, Prof. Dr. Gülay...
During the Science, Culture and Art Festival, which has become a tradition at Hisar High School, our students shared their presentations about the studies they carried out throughout the year in science and social sciences branches with their friends and teachers,...
In the 2022-2023 Academic Year Eyüpsultan Inter-School Table Tennis Tournament, our Star Boys Team, consisting of our students Mehmet B. and Can David K., came first. We congratulate our students.
The 2023 Eighth Grade Ceremony took place on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the Atatürk Hall of the Cultural Center. We welcomed our students to high school at the magnificent ceremony where we were excited to be together with our school administrators, Hisar Educational...
We are glad to share with you the Poetry Book prepared by our sixth grade students with the support of the Writing Skills Center. You can access the original English poems and translations written by our student as “A celebration oof language and expression in...
Our 11th grade student Lea Alin T., with her article titled “A Kabbalist’s Otherness”, was selected as the winner in both the 16-17 age category and in all age categories at the Young Philosopher Awards, which was held for the third time this year in...