Our students participated in PhilFest’23 (Bilkent Philosophy Festival’23) organized by Bilkent University. During the festival, we organized a series of informative and engaging events such as “Thinking Philosophy as a Woman”,...
Our High School Social Sciences Department teachers Furkan Şimşek and Tolga Eldurmaz participated in the V. International Geography Education Congress held at Akdeniz University this year with their work on “Create Your Own Civilization”, an...
Our middle and high school students, who have started to work in new ceramic lathe studio established in our school, are realizing the projects they have designed with pleasure.
Our 5th Grade students in the Social Studies course, in collaboration with the Community Services Center (TEMER), studied “Non-Governmental Organizations” and discussed the functions, importance and place of these organizations in our social life.
Our classes started at full speed in our school’s renovated gymnastics hall. In our hall enriched with parallel bars, rings, pull-ups and balance stations, we offer opportunities for our students to progress towards becoming athletes.
Our 2nd grade students participated in “World Animal Day” activities during the week of October 2-6. In order to draw attention to this meaningful day, they exhibited their work on the school boards and made efforts to raise awareness about animal rights...