Our Primary and Secondary School students participated in various activities at our school as part of the “European Coding Week”. While our students made projects in activities such as Discovering Artificial Intelligence, Dancing with Algorithm, Coding...
Our 3rd grade students participated in a trip to Dolmabahçe Palace. Our students, who reinforced their knowledge about Atatürk’s life, visited the important parts of the palace and learned what they were used for.
9 teachers from our different schools and departments attended the 9th Good Practices in Education Conference organized at Sabancı University. In her presentation titled “Argumentative Scientific Writing – Cer Method”, our teacher Duygu Erdoğan...
Our 5th grade students participated in a creative drama workshop organized by the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center on the book Ö.T.E.K.İ, which they read in the Social Studies course to strengthen their ability to establish positive relationships with...
Eki 26, 2022 On Monday, October 16, 2023, Hisar School PTA Ordinary General Assembly Meeting was held face-to-face at our school and the Board of Directors for the new term was elected. We would like to thank our PTA Board of Directors who served in the 2022-2023 term...
The 25th Autumn Teachers’ Conference was held at Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions Çamlıca Campus on October 14. 18 teachers from different levels attended the symposium as participants and 12 teachers presented their work. We congratulate our teachers. 1- From...