The Success of Our Students

The Success of Our Students

The articles of our high school students Ela E. and Su K., supported by their visual designs, were entitled to be published in the 2nd issue of the academic thought magazine Düşünce Academia with the theme “Artistic transformation: Freedom of expression,...
In Zeid’s World Education Programme

In Zeid’s World Education Programme

Our 3rd grade students participated in the Discovery Space Activity / In Zeid’s World education programme at Istanbul Modern Museum. In the programme, which aims to introduce contemporary artist Fahrelnissa Zeid to children and provide them with the artistic...
“Healthy and Quality Life”

“Healthy and Quality Life”

As part of the activities carried out with our students to raise awareness about “Healthy and Quality Life”, one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our lunch menu for the first day of January was prepared by our 4-5 age group...
Our students visited Orff and Rhythm Workshop

Our students visited Orff and Rhythm Workshop

Our 3rd grade students visited Atatürk Cultural Center Children’s Art Center Orff and Rhythm Workshop within the scope of “Speed and Freedom in Music”. During the visit, they learned the rhythm patterns with the percussion instruments distributed to...
Sustainable Awareness Week

Sustainable Awareness Week

The “Sustainable Awareness Week” activities prepared by our high school students for the third time this year in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were shared in our school with twelve modules and various activities were...
“A Gift for My Friend” Campaign

“A Gift for My Friend” Campaign

This year, the “A Gift for My Friend” campaign, organised by the Middle School Student Union and our Community Services Centre (TEMER), was planned for the students of Yücebağ Primary School in Mazı district of Mardin. Our middle school students worked to...