2nd Grade Students Visited the High School Library

2nd Grade Students Visited the High School Library

Our 2nd grade students visited the high school library in connection with the theme “Reading Culture”. Our students, who examined examples of different text types during the visit full of information and pleasure, had the opportunity to discover the...
2nd Grade Students Visited the High School Library

2. Sınıf Öğrencilerimiz Lise Kütüphanesini Gezdi

2. Sınıf öğrencilerimiz “Okuma Kültürü” temasıyla bağlantılı olarak lise kütüphanesini ziyaret ettiler. Bilgi ve keyif dolu gezide farklı metin türlerine ait örnekler inceleyen öğrencilerimiz, ilkokul kütüphanesi ile lise kütüphanesi arasındaki benzerlikleri ve...
The Success of Our Students

The Success of Our Students

The articles of our high school students Ela E. and Su K., supported by their visual designs, were entitled to be published in the 2nd issue of the academic thought magazine Düşünce Academia with the theme “Artistic transformation: Freedom of expression,...
The Success of Our Students

Öğrencilerimizin Başarısı

Lise öğrencilerimiz Ela E. ve Su K.’nın görsel tasarımlarıyla destekledikleri yazıları, akademik düşünce dergisi Düşünce Academiası’nın “Sanatsal dönüşüm: İfadenin özgürlüğü sanatın dönüşümü” temalı çıkacak olan 2. sayısında yayınlanmaya...
In Zeid’s World Education Programme

In Zeid’s World Education Programme

Our 3rd grade students participated in the Discovery Space Activity / In Zeid’s World education programme at Istanbul Modern Museum. In the programme, which aims to introduce contemporary artist Fahrelnissa Zeid to children and provide them with the artistic...