We hosted Tayfun Atay at Hisar Talks

We hosted Tayfun Atay at Hisar Talks

In the first of the Hisar Talks series of conferences organised by our Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center (İTAM) under the title “Youth, Values and Future on the Threshold of the Second Century” in honour of the 100th anniversary of our...
We hosted Tayfun Atay at Hisar Talks

Hisar Konuşmalarında Tayfun Atay’ı konuk ettik

İnsan ve Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezimizin (İTAM), Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılı onuruna “İkinci Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Gençlik, Değerler ve Gelecek” başlığı altında düzenlediği Hisar Konuşmaları konferans serisinin ilkinde akademisyen, gazeteci, yazar Tayfun Atay’ı...
Middle School CS: Programming and Robotics Club Team won an award

Middle School CS: Programming and Robotics Club Team won an award

Our team consisting of Middle School CS: Programming and Robotics Club students participated in Açı School 2nd Engineering and Coding Event held for the second time this year under the mentorship of our computer teachers. Our club students were selected by the juries...