Our High School Student Won TÜBİTAK Award

Our High School Student Won TÜBİTAK Award

Our 10th grade student Ela K. won the first place in the field of biology with her project “The Effects of Exosomes Obtained from Arabica Coffee Beans on Melanoma Type Skin Cancer Cells” in the 55th High School Students Research Projects Competition, where...
Our High School Student Won TÜBİTAK Award

Lise Öğrencimiz, TÜBİTAK Ödülü Kazandı

TÜBİTAK tarafından düzenlenen 12 farklı alanda 23.066 projenin yarıştığı 55. Lise Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Yarışmasında 10. Sınıf öğrencimiz Ela K.  “Arabika Cinsi Kahve Çekirdeklerinden Elde Edilen Eksozomların Melanoma Türü Cilt Kanseri Hücrelerine Etkileri”...
Hisar CS Team won the “Core Values Second Place Award”

Hisar CS Team won the “Core Values Second Place Award”

Hisar CS Team, consisting of our Middle School Programming & Robotics Club students, took part in the 20th Local First Lego League Challenge tournament held at Piri Reis University on Saturday, 9 March 2024. FLL Challenge is a tournament organised by FIRST® LEGO®...