High School Student Union Elections Completed

High School Student Union Elections Completed

The Student Union Elections, which are part of the democratic process in our school, took place at different levels in the past weeks. The winning group in the High School Student Union general elections was the “Deep Hisar” team. We congratulate our...
High School Student Union Elections Completed

Lise Öğrenci Birliği Seçimleri Tamamlandı

Okulumuzdaki demokratik sürecin bir parçası olan Öğrenci Birliği Seçimleri geçtiğimiz haftalarda farklı kademelerde gerçekleşti. Lise Öğrenci Birliği genel seçimlerinde kazanan grup “Deep Hisar” ekibi oldu. Öğrencilerimizi kutluyor, bu sürece aday olarak...
Ortaokul Öğrenci Birliği Seçim Sonuçları Açıklandı

Middle School Student Union Election Results Announced

Student Union elections, which are part of the democratic process in our school, took place at different levels. As a result of the general elections of Middle School Student Union, the winning group was “The Voice of Hisar”. We congratulate all class...
We Celebrated the 99th Anniversary of Our Republic with Enthusiasm

We Celebrated the 99th Anniversary of Our Republic with Enthusiasm

We celebrated the 99th anniversary of our Republic with an enthusiastic ceremony held in our Atatürk Hall on October 29. We proudly watched the beautiful performances prepared by our students, together with our parents, students, academic and administrative staff who...