Afet ve Acil Durum Eğitimi düzenlendi

Afet ve Acil Durum Eğitimi düzenlendi

Okulumuzda afet ve acil durum hazırlıklarımız kapsamında, acil durum yönetim ekibimiz için eğitim düzenlendi. Teorik bilgilerin verilmesinin yanı sıra uygulamalı çalışmaların da yapıldığı eğitimde afet durumlarında izlenmesi gereken yol...
Our teachers’ studies were published in Global Schools

Our teachers’ studies were published in Global Schools

The projects of our teachers Nihan Şehsuvaroğlu and Özge Aydemir Kaya have been published in the Global Schools Case Study Guide. You can see the inspiring ideas of our teachers organising activities to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into their...
Our students took the stage at Hisar School Winter Concert

Our students took the stage at Hisar School Winter Concert

The Hisar School Winter Concert, performed by Hisar School Guitar Ensemble, Hisar Ukeband, Percussion Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble, Jazzy Things, Jr. B Yüzü and B Yüzü orchestras and our music department teachers, was appreciated by our parents and all our guests. We...