Our students participated in PhilFest’23.

Our students participated in PhilFest’23.

Our students participated in PhilFest’23 (Bilkent Philosophy Festival’23) organized by Bilkent University. During the festival, we organized a series of informative and engaging events such as “Thinking Philosophy as a Woman”,...
Our students participated in PhilFest’23.

Öğrencilerimiz, PhilFest’23’e katıldı.

Öğrencilerimiz, Bilkent Üniversitesi’nin gerçekleştirdiği PhilFest’23’e (Bilkent Felsefe Festivali’23) katıldı. Festival boyunca “Felsefeyi Kadın Olarak Düşünmek”, “Felsefi Gezginlik: Batı Dışı Felsefeler”, “Bilgi Çağında Sosyal ve Politik Epistemoloji” gibi hem...
Our Ceramic Lathe Studio opened

Our Ceramic Lathe Studio opened

Our middle and high school students, who have started to work in new ceramic lathe studio established in our school, are realizing the projects they have designed with pleasure.