Our students attended FabLearn Constructionism Conference

Our students attended FabLearn Constructionism Conference

Our students from our Computer Science department made presentations and workshops at the FabLearn Constructionism Conference held at Columbia University. Our students received great appreciation from the participants with the Lemon Robotics Kit they prepared. We...
We received our My School is Clean Certificate for the 4th time

We received our My School is Clean Certificate for the 4th time

As Hisar School, we continue to implement hygiene practices by considering the health and safety of our students and employees. In the process of renewing the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) “My School is Clean” Certificate, which is mandatory for...
We received our My School is Clean Certificate for the 4th time

Okulum Temiz Belgemizi 4. kez aldık

Hisar Okulları olarak öğrencilerimizin ve çalışanlarımızın sağlık güvenliklerini gözeterek hijyen uygulamalarını hayata geçirmeye devam ediyoruz. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığının özel okullar için zorunlu kıldığı Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (TSE) “Okulum Temiz” Belgesinin...