Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center planned to focus on March 8 events by drawing attention to the Earthquake Week. In this context, Melda Akbaş, the coordinator of the “Suna’s Daughters” program within the body of the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation, was our guest in the talk on “Disasters and Women” held online on Wednesday, March 8th. Akbaş emphasized the difficulties faced by women in disasters, especially after the recent earthquake in Turkey, and answered the questions of our students. We would like to thank Melda Akbaş, who connected to our meeting from Kahramanmaraş, and all our participants for their valuable sharing.
Melda Akbaş was Our Guest in the 8 March Talk on “Disasters and Women”
tarafından Arzum Kopşa | Mar 9, 2023 | News | 0 yorum