As the entire world is passing through a unique milestone; we will also be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our school. While the 25-year long past offers a very solid ground that will carry us forward, at the same time we will turn our face towards the future. In line with our leadership mission in education, we will contribute to the future knowledge of our youth and society with a series of activities.
The first of the activities planned in this direction is the conference series “Hisar Talks: Discussing the Future…”, which will put the future under the scope from the point of view of developing technology and innovation.
At the first conference to be held on March 25, 2021; we will focus on “life sciences”, a multidisciplinary field that deals with the sciences, living organisms and ecosystem applications, and amasses the combination of all these fields with data analysis, with our guest speakers Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toner and Prof. Dr. Banu Onaral.
We would like to see the entire Hisar Community at our conference.
Hisar Talks: Discussing the Future….
Where is technology headed in life sciences?
Date: March 25 2021
Time: 18.00
Guests: Prof Dr. Mehmet Toner ve Prof. Dr. Banu Onaral
Zoom Live Broadcast Link:
*The conference will be broadcast on our Hisar Schools’ YouTube channel simultaneously with the Zoom live broadcast.