While our academic and administrative staff stay at home and continue to carry out many different roles in addition to the professional duties, our Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department start to organize online sharing groups to support our teachers and...
Within the scope of our educational cooperation with Columbia University, the first module that focused on “Assessment and Evaluation” for our academic staff was realized in February 2020.The second module, which started in May, has been reshaped with the...
With the contribution of our Middle School Student Union, we held an online seminar titled “Protecting Life and the Other” with Müge İplikçi, the author of youth and children’s books. Throughout the conversation, our students asked questions and made...
During our distance learning process, we continue our online activities with Alumni Talks. We welcome all our students and Hisar Family to the conversation where our guests will mention about their education and professional life, their interests and what they are...
As Hisar Schools, we continue our online activities with a new guidance seminar.In the seminar, which will be held live on Friday, May 15 at 21.30, accompanied by our Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst Dr....