Our High School Students Organized PiWars Trainings
PiWars trainings took place with the participation of 20 teams on 7-8 February 2020. Our High school students informed other students on various issues such as 3D design, programming and basic electronic. After completing the trainings, the participants proceeded to...
Star Boys Handball Team Will Attend Turkey Championship Group Qualifying Competition
Stars Boys Handball Team became the 4th team in İstanbul Group Qualifying Competitions. Our team will play Turkey Championship Group Qualification matches in Aydin on February 19-23.We congratulate our students and wish them success.
Our High School Students’ Project Has Been Accepted From International Chemistry and Polymer Engineering Conference
10th Grade students have been studying on the project “Photodecolourization of Methylene Blue by Fe(III) Incorporated TiO2 Supported Zeolite Clinoptilolite” during the science research lesson since the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year. The results...