Our Preschool Teachers Received MATHAZONE Training

Our Preschool Teachers Received MATHAZONE Training

Our Preschool teachers received ”MATHAZONE”- Mathematics Skills Education to be implemented into curriculum in the 2019-2020 Academic Year. The program will be held both in English and Turkish and it will supply our students with real life skills through...
Our Teachers Received UbD Training

Our Teachers Received UbD Training

UbD (Understanding by Design) training by the experienced educator Mustafa Balkaş, took place on September 5 to 6 with participation of 55 teachers and our administrators. Middle School teachers will continue the process with the coaching they will receive.
Öğretmenlerimiz UbD Eğitimi Aldılar

Öğretmenlerimiz UbD Eğitimi Aldılar

Deneyimli eğitimci Mustafa Balkaş tarafından 24-26 Ağustos ve 5-6 Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasında k12 bütünlüğünde 55 öğretmenimizin katılımıyla UbD (Tasarım Yoluyla Anlama) eğitimi gerçekleşti. Eğitim programının, öğretimin ve ölçme değerlendirmenin tasarımına yönelik...