İlkçağ Uygarlıkları Festivali

İlkçağ Uygarlıkları Festivali

9. Sınıf öğrencilerimizin Tarih, Görsel Sanatlar ve Bilgisayar derslerinde, disiplinlerarası çalışma yöntemleri doğrultusunda ortaya çıkardıkları “İlkçağ Uygarlıklarına” yönelik ürünleri, 18 Nisan – 3 Mayıs 2018 tarihlerinde Lise giriş katında...
The 11th Turkish Universities Fair

The 11th Turkish Universities Fair

The “11th Turkish Universities Fair” organized by our Turkish Universities Counseling Department took place on March 30.At the fair, we hosted universities which our students were highly interested in and requested more detailed information about. The...
Our Middle School Students and Teachers Went to Ankara

Our Middle School Students and Teachers Went to Ankara

Our middle school students and teachers went on a joyous trip to Ankara on March 16 & 17, 2018. The main objective of our trip was to unite and beat as one heart through the light of Ataturk at his Mausoleum, Anıtkabir. Our students and teachers placed their...