Hisar Serisi Karma Sergi III

Hisar Serisi Karma Sergi III

3. sınıf öğrenci çalışmalarından oluşan “Hisar Serisi Karma Sergi III” 17 Ocak’ta öğrencilerimiz, velilerimiz ve öğretmenlerimizin katılımıyla açıldı. Sergi, 16 Şubat’a kadar Kültür Merkezimizde ziyaret edilebilir.
2nd Grades Cat Houses Projects

2nd Grades Cat Houses Projects

Our second grade students made their own cat houses with the support of our high school students as their community service projects.
Homecoming 2016

Homecoming 2016

Over 250 alums, and current and former faculty & staff were greeted with a special Homecoming in December, in celebration of our school’s 20th anniversary. With the support and energy of our high school students and by the touch of our 20th anniversary gold...
6th Grade French Class Activity

6th Grade French Class Activity

6th grade French students went on a trip to a patisserie in Göktürk and baked cakes together with the French chef.Please click here for photos.